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Second Fall Seminar from TAH.ORG & ADE: The Cuban Missile Crisis
October 24, 2017
FreeWe are delighted to announce that ADE will partner again this year with teachingamericanhistory.org to offer high quality Social Studies Professional Development at no cost to teachers. These programs are open to all K-12 teachers. Registrants are sent a primary source documents reading packet in advance of the program, and a certificate for re-certification hours will be handed out at the end of each program. All programs with take place at the ADE Training Facility. 3300 N. Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ. 85012. Registration begins at 8:00am.
Additionally, TAH.org now offers participants the opportunity to EARN 1 GRADUATE CREDIT for attending the 3 seminar series and creating a document-based lesson plan based on the documents and ideas discussed in the series. Provided in partnership with Ashland University, this option is a $200 dollar cost.
You can read more information about this opportunity by downloading this PDF file. https://www.dropbox.com/s/uyjjxrbkgh4uap5/Lesson%20Plan%20Instructions.pdf?dl=0
Fall Series- Focus on the 1960’s and 70’s
Participants may sign up for individual seminars or the entire series by accessing the following link-https://qr166.infusionsoft.com/app/form/phoenixaz-fall-2017
One-Day Seminar: the Origins of the Cold War – Friday September 29, 8:20am-2:45pm
How did the alliances of World War 2 break down so quickly after 1945? How close were these alliances in the first place, and what differences existed between the United States and the Soviet Union that acted as wedges between these two countries and their respective allies? This seminar focuses on the ideas, events, and people- as expressed in key documents- of the years immediately after the end of World War 2, and how the Cold War began.
Discussion Leader: John Moser, Professor of History at Ashland University
One-Day Seminar: the Cuban Missile Crisis –
Tuesday October 24, 8:20am-2:45pm
The 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis brought the world to the brink of nuclear war. Not surprisingly, it is one of the most studied and well documented events in modern U.S. History. In this seminar, we will use a selection of primary sources related to the crisis to examine the decisions and actions of U.S., Soviet, and Cuban officials.
Discussion Leader: Eric Pullan, Professor of History and Asian Studies at Carthage College
One- Day Seminar: Watergate –
Tuesday November 7, 8:20-2:45
The break- in at the Watergate before the 1972 presidential election was relatively l small news at the time, however keen investigative journalism and a voice from within the Nixon administration eventually led to the downfall and first resignation of an American president.
Discussion Leader: William Atto, Associate Professor of American History at the University of Dallas