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Arizona Geographic Alliance STEMSS Institute 2016
June 13, 2016 @ 8:00 am - June 24, 2016 @ 5:00 pm
With a generous grant from Arizona Public Service Foundation,
the Arizona Geographic Alliance can again host a summer STEMSS Institute
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Social Studies)
Here are a few of quotes from participants that attended 2013 or 2014 STEMSS Institutes:
“Woo hoo! Best summer pd ever!”
“This institute allowed me to better understand how to fully incorporate STEMSS in my lessons and how easy it is with a little more effort.”
“I feel energized being around so many passionate people and gathering so many ideas.”
“As a veteran teacher the STEMSS unit gave me some great ideas on how to combine STEM with history, geography and economics. You will come away with great ways to keep your students engaged with hands-on lessons that will help you teach the standards in your classroom.”
When: Spring Orientation April 30
Lesson presentations July 16
Institute June 13-16 & June 21-24
GeoConference September 17, 2016
Where: SkySong (Rural Road and McDowell Streets), Scottsdale, AZ with field experiences in the area
The 10-day institute will include:
STEMSS content information
Innovations in STEM pedagogy — new technologies and techniques
Field trips to exciting commercial and educational facilities
Exemplary Arizona standards-based lessons that teach STEMSS
Networking with other educators
Housing (if requested) and stipend for completing all requirements
Why Attend?
Participants who complete all requirements will receive:
60 Recertification hours. One to three graduate (ASU) credits can be arranged at participant’s expense.
A stipend of $300 payable when you have completed the requirements.
Room and most meals during the event.
Stipend for travel costs ($40)
Teaching resources valued at over $300.
You will be eligible for financial support to attend and present your lesson at state level conferences such as Arizona Council for the Social Studies, Arizona Science Teachers Association, Arizona Teachers of Mathematics, etc.
Eligibility: Any Arizona K-12 teacher can apply.
Preference will be shown to K-12 teachers who:
Teach in APS service areas (most of rural AZ and west Phoenix)
Teach English Language Learners in their classrooms
Teach at Title I schools
Come as a team from one school. (2 teachers who will work together)
Are employed full-time as teachers in the classroom.
Only 24 teachers will be selected to participate so this is your HEADS UP to partner with a colleague and apply. We are looking for enthusiastic, good teachers who wish take a leadership role in their school, district and in AzGA. Deadline to Apply: April 4, 2016.